Monday, August 1, 2011

Baby fever!!!

I know I'm more focused on making refashions, and this isn't so much a refashion at all, but my best friend is having a stork party!

So I had to make something she could use. I decided on a burp cloth, the pattern which I got from BurdaStyles (If you don't have an account with them I suggest you get one now! Free patterns FTW!!!)

I had some blue material with a shine that I got out of my stash, and used some binding I got from the hospice sales (like the American Goodwill for you foreigners out there)

I decided to be fancy and quilt the layers together. I used some thin cloth diapers for the absorbency. My machine hated the hooks in the material and gave me swearing troubles on a Sunday. I quilted it by cutting it larger than the pattern. I did this because I always end up shifting one piece of material and then having to throw the quilted piece back in the stash. I quilted it by putting a strip of masking tape and sewing to each side, then pulling it loose and moving it, and sewing again next to the masking tape, and continuing until I was finished. I got this method of quilting on someone else's site, and as soon as I find that article again, I'll link to it.

As you see, it wasn't the neatest quilting ever, with a few skew lines and some pucking, and I changed the original plan of making a trellis kind of quilting...just because I was struggling that much. I then only cut out the whole batch into the pattern shape

The binding I put on by first pinning it to the bottom layer and then stitching it, like in the picture. I( then trimmed the raw edges of the material, and folded over the binding, sewing it after having pinned it down.

I've never managed to neatly attach bias binding just by folding it over and sewing it immediately. I did make a mistake and sew the binding too far from the edge, and struggled to fold it over and hold that stitching successfully.

The final product didn't look too bad!

I bought a little shirt and made a tie out of a thick piece of ribbon I had in my stash. If someone wants to know how I did it, I could make a little tutorial, but it was done, like so much creativity, just before bedtime. I then stitched it to the shirt. The pair of scissors is there to give perspective to how small this shirt really is!!!

And here's a close-up to show how the tie looks

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

There's a long story behind the name of this blog. It started with me losing my job (well I actually lost my mind due to some circumstances and quit before they fired me). Well that's not even the start of the's just the introduction.

I got another job, paying a third of my previously salary. But I was happy that I got a job I loved. I still am happy here. Happiness is much better than having enough money, right?

So here I am, still struggling with the shift of my quality of lifestyle. What is important to me is redefined every single day. It was and still is quite a shift to having enough money to barely making ends meet.

This is my journey to being fabulous without the assistance of designer labels. And without misusing my credit card.