Somedays I get jealous of the people who has the basics in their house. I'm talking furniture, clothes, toiletries, and just that. No fabric spilling out of boxes peeking from the top cupboard. No getting home sheepishly and having to explain to the Better Half why you just HAD to buy a whole black back full of recycling stuff, which includes incomplete puzzles and random soft-toys.
They don't have to find a storage space for that toiletrolls they are saving for that project, or the bottle caps they want to emulate that craftster post with. They don't weed out their dishes so they could have more space for baking ingredients.
They throw away breadtags and ice cream sticks, instead of washing them carefully and putting them in a plastic bag. They don't see the potential of that too small sweatshirt to become the softest cuddle toys.
It's easy to clean, and easy to move.
But then, those people complain. They get bored. How could I get bored surrounded by paint and pencils and glitter?! They have nothing to do, while I spend weekends just sitting in piles of gorgeous fabrics. They watch TV, while I think of the buttons I could put in the same space and considering how much I get to watch TV, it's not worth getting one. They complain about not being creative, not being able to make their own clothes.
Sometimes being creative isn't always a blessing for me. Sometimes I just don't have the time, but Creativity is like a little toddler, begging for attention, starting to scream when you don't listen. It cannot be denied. I tend to get frustrated when studies or work or emergencies keep me from doing what I love, ideas bubbling out like a pot left on the stove with milk in. You can't stop it, you have to clean up when the mess is done and you grabbed a courier box destined to be picked up by the courier company and decorate it for the client.
So I'm trying to be more organised. To give everything that makes my heart beat faster and my head spin with possibilities a place in my home. Where I can find it, so I don't waste half my creative time looking for the raw materials, or cleaning a spot to work. Stay tuned for pics, horror stories and results
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